
SO much fun. Spent a lot of time laughing hysterically, and a lot of time saying “oh no!”

This was made right around the midpoint between Raimi’s early horror films and later superhero films, and it’s a very imperfect synthesis of both styles. It’s like he was slowly undergoing some sort of horrible transformation over the course of two decades, and this movie is the awkward part where Jeff goldblum is half fly and half man (ed. note: goldblum is not in this movie. It’s an analogy ya goofuses.)

This movie has a lot of ideas and it’s not going to let “cohesion” or “anything making sense” get in the way of getting all the goofs in. No fake scientific explanations are offered for anything, which I really appreciated; it’s just “I’m a scientist damn it… I should be able to figure this out” straight to “I’ve got it!”

No rules just laughs. Mike seal of approval.